⚡️⚡️ We offer charging station options in a range of our BePark car parks. ⚡️⚡️
In which car parks exactly?
👀 You will find here the list of car parks currently equipped with electric charging stations.
Who can charge their vehicles at the charging stations?
All vehicles with access to the car park have the right to connect to the charging stations, provided they have a charging card (EDI, Newmotion, Shell,...).
What if there is no charging station?
Do not hesitate to express your interest in the installation of charging stations by email to support@bepark.eu. Our “New Solutions” team will get in touch with the owner to consider the project.
🚨 It is strictly forbidden to plug into the electrical outlets in the car park.
What to do in case of a breakdown of the electric stations in the car park?
We regularly monitor the condition of the charging stations remotely, in order to proactively intervene on sites in breakdown. 👨🔧
🆘 If you notice a problem with a station, do not hesitate to report it to us by email at the address support@bepark.eu